Our Goal: To Be The Most Productive, Cost-Effective Children’s Charity In The World

As a new charity, we do not yet have any audited financials or 990s we can share with donors. But what we do have is a senior management team that has more than 100 years of experience in running some of the best-managed and successful charities in the world.

Our goal is to make WonderWork the most cost-efficient, productive children’s charity in the world. Here’s how we’ll do that:

  • Keep overhead and admin costs low. Our staff is less than a dozen people. Our office is a sublet we rent for less than half market rate. All of our office furniture was free.
  • Leverage technology to save money and increase efficiencies. Our IT closet is empty because all of our phones, file and exchange servers, email and network systems are cloud-based. We will use electronic medical records for every surgery we provide which will save millions of dollars in shipping, storage and handling. Digital records also make it easy to screen for fraud and to audit for safety and quality. We’ll use a virtual simulator to train surgeons for a fraction of what traditional training costs.
  • Run WonderWork like a business. Our goal is to treat our donors like shareholders and treat their donations like investments. We promise to give our donors the maximum return on investment possible. We hold ourselves and partners accountable and will track how every dollar is spent – and how every donation helps change a child’s life.
  • Empower local doctors. Instead of flying American volunteer surgeons overseas, we empower local surgeons and local hospitals so they can help the children in their own communities, 24/7, 365 days a year. This unique strategy enables us to help ten times as many children – for one tenth the cost.
  • Maximize the impact of every dollar raised. By keeping our overhead low and our productivity high, less money is spent on non-program expenses and more money is spent on what matters: surgeries that help children.